Link #148
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
Just a short Link this week to remind you that Bloor Central is up and running. Our Community Meal is a great way to spend time with friends old and new. We run from 4-6pm on Saturday evening.
This week at SUNDAY WORD we continue to explore Psalm 23. “He leads me along the right path for his namesake” is a clear image of what it is to be part of the flock. If we can learn to live out this simple idea David wrote about lives will change.
Monday is a holiday - Family Day! The Bloor Central family will be gathering for our third (I think it is the 3rd) Clothing Swap. From 2-5 you can come down to 789 Dovercourt and get some new clothes to spice up your wardrobe. Ya, its a new thing. If you have some clothes you are tired of you can bring them to drop them off. Then you can take a look at what has been left by others and see if it fits. It is just another one of those events that is just fun to get together.
Lastly, we ask you to keep Winnie Marshall in your prayers. If you have been around Bloor Central for a while you will remember Winnie (her image is over top of the entrance to the dining room). She is in hospital where she is being treated for pneumonia. It was very fortunate that they caught it early and so she is expected to make a full recovery - but staying in the hospital is never fun.
Hope to see you at Bloor Central this weekend.