Link #137 - Christmas Sunday
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
Before we mention Sunday lets get caught up on all the action at Bloor Central this week. First of all preparations for the Christmas Party on Christmas day are right on schedule. Staff and volunteers have been preparing food all week and on the weekend we will be setting up for Monday, December 25. If you know someone who does not have a place to celebrate Christmas make sure they know about what is going on here at 789 Dovercourt. Our doors are open from 12noon till 3pm. The band is confirmed, the photo booth is set up, games are ready and everyone is excited about the return of karaoke. Just a reminder there is no community dinner this Saturday, December 23.
Our volunteers have been nothing short of outstanding on the Kettles this year! We are so excited to see us drawing closer and closer to the goal of $35,000. This Sunday we be able to announce our totals. We are so grateful for all the volunteers who have been essential in our Kettle Campaign which supports all the ministries of our Community and Family Services. Tomorrow (Saturday) is the last day so we are hoping to sprint to the finish.
That brings us to Sunday. We are very aware of the darkness many live with in our city (eg. depression, loneliness, confusion, fear, addiction, homelessness, unemployment etc). Christmas is a season that speaks of “light in the darkness”. This Sunday Karen will be sharing about the light of Christmas. “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2). Christmas is a season characterized by “light” so no matter what your darkness might be - Christmas speaks light to you. Join us at 10am on Sunday morning!
Blessings to all.