Link #96 - What do an “INNIE” and a “OUTIE” have in common?
Greetings in the name of Jesus. As we draw closer to the wonder of Easter morning we trust that this season of lent is meaningful. We are preparing to celebrate the biggest event in human history! All through this season we’ve encouraged you to be getting to know Jesus through the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). Each Sunday we’ve been getting to know Jesus as we explore gospel stories. This week we will look at two gospel stories and compare how Jesus treated people differently. There were the “insiders” and there were the “outsiders”. We might be tempted to focus on their differences, but Jesus wasn’t.
We would like to remind you that we will be gathering on Good Friday (April 7) for a time of reflection. Join us at 10:30am for an opportunity to journey together through the stations of the cross.
Today we will be gathering for our Community Meal (7 ate 9) from 4-6pm. Everyone is welcome to join us to share a meal together and connect with our community. Then tomorrow (SUNDAY) at 10am we gather to seek God together for our SUNDAY WORD service. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Blessings to all.