Link #62 - Next Step
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
As we work our way out of COVID 19 many ask “What he “new normal” will look like?”. At Bloor Central our answer is consistantly “We don’t know”. One thing we do know is that there is no going back to pre-covid, and we are excited about the opportunity God gives us to move into a new life as a Church. Many find it difficult, moving forward in life is often very uncomfortable. It can be frightening to face the unknown but scripture offers us some very practical guidance to move forward. The book of Joshua in the Old Testament gives us insight into how the nation of Israel moved out of the wilderness into a “Promised Land”. For three weeks this month we will explore the steps they took to move forward. We will point you to the “NEXT STEP” you need to move forward in your relationship with God. Join us for SUNDAY WORD this week at 10am. Each Sunday we gather at 789 Dovercourt to seek God, and as we begin this study in the “NEXT STEP” you might be surprised to see how practial the Bible can be in your life.
Also this Sunday we will be putting togehter the final list for the Blue Jay game on August 15. If you want to join us and can’t be there Sunday make sure to send me an email. We are getting a group of “cheap seats” just to enjoy a night out together. Tickets will be approximately $20.
Look forward to seeing you Sunday.