Link #193 - Community Meal Kick-Off

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

We want to get the word out that Boor Central Community Meal is back in action. Today (Saturday) we will be serving from 4-6 pm. As always everyone is invited. It looks like the weather is going to cooperate so the meal will take the form of a BBQ in the parking lot. We are really looking forward to again be sharing our Saturday meal with our community.

On Sunday we will again be seeking God together at 10am. Have you ever felt like no matter what you do nothing seems to be working out? The bible gives us some great guidance in those times so this week the bible lesson will be “FOR  THOSE TIMES WHEN NOTHING SEEMS TO BE WORKING OUT”. This teaching provides us with tools that bring us through times of despair.

So Bloor Central is getting back into full swing after a relaxing summer. See you there…




Link #192 - Friendship