Greetings in the name of Jesus.
Summer is in full swing! We hope that in some way you can enjoy a slowed down kind of season during these months. It is nice to be able to enjoy the outdoors and the long evenings - but it is also great to enjoy some air conditioning when it gets a bit hot. At Bloor Central this is definitely a slow time of the year for us; however, it does not mean nothing important is going on. Taking time to be still is an important spiritual discipline and August is our time of year for that. There are two important events in Bloor Central life and we encourage you to join in.
This Sunday we will continue our journey from loneliness to relationship. Many don’t even recognize the loneliness that plagues their life. They feel without purpose, like they don’t belong, that they are not important or just a general depression, but don’t realize those are symptoms of the isolation or disconnection many have learned to live with. On Sunday we we recognize the importance of confronting loneliness and the crippling consequences of ignoring it.
2. 24/7 PRAYER WEEK - AUGUST 11-18
This is a important event in prioritizing our seeking after God. Sign up for an hour online or at the Church.
Please note: There are no Community Meals during August. The next Community Meal is September 7.
Blessings to all.