Link #174 - A First!

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

This week we do something we’ve never done before. For the first time in history we are offering a review of the recently completed study of Psalm 23. If you look up our YouTube channel you will find a video giving a summary of all 13 lessons we did on Psalm 23. It seemed important that we offer some kind of review because we are asking people to identify which line of the series has been most significant. There might be a specific lesson you want to review which is possible - you can seek out the specific week you need, or you can go through all the summaries to get a good overview. The notes are also posted. On Sunday we hope to have an extended time of sharing so coming with the verse that is important to you and why will make all the difference.

Not only that, but we are looking forward to a fun quiz game we well (another first!).

The last thing to keep in mind is our mission offering in support of Salvation Army ministry in Guinea. We handing out special envelopes last week so people can come prepared, but we will have more envelopes this week if needed. Please make sure to have your name on the envelope so we can offer you a tax receipt.

Look forward to see you Sunday.


Link #175 - BE READY!


Link #173 - NO MORE F.O.M.O.