Link #146 - SUPER BOWL

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

Is it possible for Super Bowl to get any bigger? Each year the media seems to make more of the game then the year before. But then again, I guess we do the same at Bloor Central. Super Bowl has turned into a great tradition at 789 Dovercourt. Each year we have people come to our party that don’t even like football - but they love the Bloor Central Super Bowl party. The kick off on Sunday is at 6:30pm. We’d not only like you to join us, but make sure to invite some friends so they might get a glimpse of our Bloor Central family.

By the way, Super Bowl is not the only thing happening at Bloor Central this weekend. On Saturday night we will again be inviting the community to share a meal with us from 4-6pm.

Even with the Super Bowl on the most important thing we do each week is to seek God. On Sunday morning at 10am we gather for SUNDAY WORD. The only thing we do on Sunday is seek God and the central part of that is to look into the scripture together. Over the past few weeks we’ve been taking a look at Psalm 23 - which gives us a glimpse of the rich relationship God invites us into. Have you ever been hit by a wave of discouragement, depression or helplessness? Psalm 23 says “… he revives my soul.”. Have you realized in those times when you just don’t feel you can carry on that it is the Shepherd who lifts us up? It is really good news and we are going to unpack that together Sunday morning. I hope you can join us.

Here we go, another Bloor Central weekend!

Blessings to all.


Link #147 - LENT


Link #145 - REPLENISH