Link # 132 - The Danger of Complacency

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

We regret that as we are getting geared up for Christmas we’ve run into a few “speedbumps”. First of all we have fallen behind in our youtube videos. We were unable to record Step 9, but we will get it up as soon as possible. Also, we were unable to get a copy of the Bloor Central Link out last week as Karen and I were out west visiting our son and daughter. But have no fear, we are up and rolling again. As usual at Christmas Bloor Central is getting geared up for a wonderful Christmas season. I list a few important dates for you to keep in mind.

The first order of business this week is to let you know that our Christmas Kettles are going out today (Friday). These are important days for our fund raising, but it is so much more. Standing on the Kettles gives us opportunity to connect with the community, and it also gives us a chance to be praying on location for our city. If you are able to offer a three hour shift please contact Greg at 416-531-8031 ex. 102. We are also asking our congregation to be praying for favor as we look for donations. The coming weeks are important for us raising the money we need for 2024.

This Sunday we will be gathering to again seek God at SUNDAY WORD at 10am. We have arrived at Step 10 which reminds us of the hazards of complacency. Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Sunday December 10 6pm - Carols by the fire @ 789 Dovercourt.

Sunday December 17 6:30pm - Bloorstock

Saturday December 23 & 30 - No Community Meal.

Monday December 25 - Christmas Day Party 12noon - 3 pm.

Blessings to all


Link # 133 - Improving our CONCIOUS CONTACT WITH GOD.


Link #131 - Step 8 - Rich Relationships