Link #7
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
A couple big events in the Bloor Central family to take note of. Rick is celebrating a birthday this coming Saturday on August 6. Also, in February 1988 Karen went on a blind date with the friend of a friend. This past Friday (July 30) she celbrated 33 years of marriage to that guy (eg. me). Please keep us up to date with special things going on in our Bloor Central family.
This Sunday we will again be meeting at Bloor Central (789 Dovercourt) for Sunday Word at 10am. This is a chance for us to get together and engage in the scripture while we still have to follow covid 19 protocols. This Sunday we will be exploring the words of Jesus that are recorded in Matthew 11:28-29. Jesus makes some incredible promises to those who are willing to accept his invitation. If you cannot join us at the building we will continue to post the bible teaching as a live stream on youtube, and also post it later on facebook.
With each week restrictions are being loosened and so we are hoping this will give us a chance to be seeing each other more regulalry.
Blessings to all