Link #59
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
By the time you are reading this we will be finished serving our “take away” community meal at Bloor Central. The Saturday evening meal will be closed until September 10 when we will re-open as a DINE IN meal. We hope you will plan to join with us on your Saturday evenings once we get to September 10.
Next Saturday (July 23) we are planning a day up at Lake Simcoe. We have hired a bus that leaves Bloor Central at 8:30 am (be here for 8:15 at the latest), and return from the lake at around 5pm. There are still a few tickets if you want to bring your $5 and sign up tomorrow at SUNDAY WORD.
Speaking of SUNDAY WORD! Yes tomorrow we look at a very special miracle. The crowd throught Jesus did not have any time for a blind begger - they were wrong! After Jesus told them to call him they went to the begger and said “Cheer up! He’s calling you.”. You might have thought the Lord did not have time to speak into your life - you are wrong. Join us tomorrow at 10am as we explore the miraculous way Jesus works in the life of a man with no where else to turn. He can do it for you!
If you can’t join us in person the bible teaching will be posted on our youtube channel.
Blessings to all.