Link #39
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
I’m grateful for this season of Lent that can be very helpful in giving us a healthy perspective to these complex times. Last Wednesday we joined in an Ash Wednesday meditation service and each Wednesday night through Lent we conduct a Lent Meditation together on zoom. Each Sunday as we gather it is another opportunity to further our experience of Lent. This week Karen will be sharing and we hope you will join us at 10am for Sunday Word. Although it is our intention to continue providing Bible teaching on our youtube channel this week we will not have the online teaching available so we hope you can make it in person.
Three important things to note about this Sunday.
· First of all take note that the clocks do go forward on Sunday morning (I think it is 1 am).
· Secondly, this week we are permitted to gather after the service to share some fellowship (socially distanced) in our own building. So we will miss out on the Sondre Café, but we hope you will stick around after the service to have a coffee with us.
· Really important to note that after Sunday Word this week (before coffee) we will be moving up to the Prayer Room to introduce it to everyone as well as take time to bless the space. This is a significant event as we “launch” Bloor Central’s 24/7 prayer room.
As we are anticipating the lifting of the covid 19 restrictions we are grateful for opportunities to expand the ministry at Bloor Central (it will be great to enjoy fellowship this week in our own building). There have been people asking “When are we getting back to normal?”. The pandemic has been very difficult on everyone but one thing that is important for us to note is that God has been at work all through the lockdowns. God did not seem to be rattled by the events of the last two years! We are very anxious to put the restrictions behind us, but we do not want to ignore all the ways God has been blessing us! As restrictions are lifted, we seek to move forward in the ministry of Bloor Central which might not simply mean going back to the same ministry of 2019. Change is not easy for anyone but we hope everyone will be excited to be a part of something new God is doing in Bloor Central.
The ministry at Bloor Central will be expanding over the coming weeks as restrictions are lifted and we are trusting that the Holy Spirit will lead us in how this takes shape. For the time being we will be continuing with the format of the last year, gathering for Sunday Word at 10am Sunday mornings to focus on seeking God through engaging with the scripture. We look forward to welcoming you Sunday.
Blessings to all.