Link #23 - Chirstmas & Beyond

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

As this link is being prepared we are busy with the last minute details for the Christmas dinner. If you are around Bloor Central on Christmas Day please feel free to drop by and say “Merry Christmas” between 12-2pm. We are doing our best to express our hospitality through this ever changing COVID 19 experience by offering a full turkey dinner as a take away. Please be assured that we are supremely confident that no matter what happens through these days “GOD IS WITH US”. That is the good news we want to express to all the people. Let me share some good news with you.

First of all I have to express our deep appreciation for all the volunteers through this Christmas season. Even as I write this we have a team working hard in the kitchen preparing Christmas dinner and the kitchen will be filled with volunteers serving right through till 2:30pm on Christmas day. We also had a fantastic team here last week for the toy distribution. I also have to mention all those who have volunteeered on Kettles this year. I honestly cannot beleive that we are on track to set a new record of over $50,000. Some will say “We’ve raised that before”, which is kind of true; however, we’ve never raised over $50,000 without hiring kettle workers. That is right, this year our Kettles were entirly fueled with volunteers. God is indeed with us and his presence has been demontrated through the incredible volunteers he has sent our way.

Everyone at Bloor Central would like to wish all of you a Christ filled Christmas. By that I mean that we hope each of you will have a deep awareness of "God with us” this Christmas.

For many, once Christmas there can be some confusion. We spend so much time and energy preparing for Christmas that once it is over we wonder “What’s next?”. For weeks anticipating Christmas day and once it is done it might be hard to know “What’s next?”. Boxing day for many is the first day in a while that we don’t have something that needs to be done. Whenever you get to a place in your life where you wonder “What’s next?” you should take time to read the bible. It offers great guidance. This year boxing day lands on a Sunday and we are going to be exploring the guidance that the bible gives us for those “What’s next?” times in our life. We hope you can join us this Boxing Day for “SUNDAY WORD” at 10am. The bible lesson will again be posted on your youtube channel for those who can’t join us in person.

Enjoy every moment of this special time of year.


Link #24 - Notice God


Link #22 - Funeral details