Greetings in the name of Jesus.

The scripture speaks a lot about hope. On Sunday we will be taking some time to explore the nature of hope and why it is so essential to our life. It has been said that in this life “We are either busing living, or busy dying - and the difference is hope”. Hope is indeed that essential to the human spirit. But what happens when the hope that has carried us crashes? It is at that point we have a choice to make. At SUNDAY WORD this week we will be looking at the good news we have even when our hope crashes. Join us Sunday morning at 10am.

Three important announcements we’d like you to keep in mind…

  1. This Thursday is the “Third Thursday” of the month. That means we will be meeting for prayer in our prayer room at 7pm. This week we will be spending some time specifically on “deliverance prayer”. Please note that does mean we won’t be showing “The Chosen” this week - we will continue with episode 8 season 2 of the Chosen next Thursday, November 21.

  2. Bloor Central is joining with the 24/7 Prayer organization to create 24 hours for a full year in 2024. Our day to carry on prayer is November 27. That means we will have 24 hours to cover from 12am till 12am on that Wednesday. Many of you participate in the 24/7 prayer ministry we ran for seven days last August. This is our opportunity to join in a prayer campaign that lasts all year. Please consider signing up for a one hour slot on that day.

  3. We are gearing up for our Christmas season again - an important time of year for us at Bloor Central. Greg Peterson is again organizing the Christmas Kettle campaign which is essential in us raising funds for our Community Food Center. If you can offer time to stand on the Kettles over the Christmas season please speak with Greg.

Look forward to seeing you at Bloor Central this weekend.


Link #207 - Prayer Meeting


Link #205 - DON’T STOP ON 6