Link #189 - 24/7 UPDATE

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

I thought it important to provide some kind of update as to the 24/7 Prayer Campaign this week. There have been a few common responses including “I never knew an hour could pass so quickly”, “Thank you for this space” and probably the most common has been “I had no idea I could pray for an hour”. If you have not had an opportunity to visit the 24/7 Prayer room I’d encourage you to make time before Sunday. It is best if you can sign up online at , but you are also free to drop by during the day, or early evening. Actually, spaces are filling up so you might not be able to book a time for yourself - but again it would be very worthwhile for you to just drop by and see what is happening.

Some of the highlights for me over the past few days have been…

  1. I was very blessed to work through the “Prayer of Release” my first time in the room. There are many different prayer exercises around the room and the Prayer of Release you will find on one of the tables.

  2. I’ve prayed for three countries I’ve never been to before and I knew little about. There is a place to pray for the world and we are trying to work our way through all the countries in the world. You pick a country (written on a popsicle stick), read something of the country and they pray for it. It has been a very exciting experience for me to join in praying for the world.

  3. Personally I’ve been praying through the book of Psalms. I’ve always known it as a great prayer guide but going through it this week has opened up many areas of prayer I’d not considered before.

  4. The “Prayer Journal” has been an incredible blessing. People are sharing their prayers, observations and scripture passages. If you have had something significant happen I’d encourage you to record it in the Prayer Journal.

  5. Many people have been putting up post its, doing art work, participating in the thanksgiving tree, all of which have given me a sense that we are praying together - even though for most of the time I’m up there by myself. As I’ve read what others are praying for I’ve been reminded of things I need to pray about myself.

One thing we did not include upstairs was a “Prayer request box”. As of today we’ve placed one up there. If you want others to be praying for you, someone else, or an issue please just fill out a card. You can put as much, or as little information that you are comfortable sharing. You don’t even have to put your name if you don’t want to. Just fill out the card and put it in the box. We will make sure that each prayer request if given attention.

I’m already looking forward to Sunday evening when we gather to share what we have experiences through the week.

Blessings to all.


Link #190 - GODS ADDRESS


Link #188- We’re gonna shake your brains!