Link #187 - 24/7 Prayer
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
We wanted to put out a special Link this week about the 24/7 Prayer Campaign planned for next week (August 11-18). Pre-covid Bloor Central ran several of these events which proved to be very significant. Whenever there was a 24/7 campaign participants suggested we needed a place that was available in the city where those needing a quiet place to pray could go. During covid the day-care that used our “Upper Room” closed and the room became available to be re-purposed. Greg Peterson did a great job to create our 24/7 prayer room at that time. We have made the room available for anyone wanting a place to pray - it is available 24/7. This coming week is the first time we have made an intentional effort to fill seven days with prayer using the room.
So there are two issues I’d like to bring to your attention with this Link. #1. Why run a 24/7 Prayer Campaign? #2. How to make the most of the week?
Why run a 24/7 Prayer Campaign.
There are literally dozens of good reasons for us to invest a week in a 24/7 campaign. Lets just be reminded of 10.
a. Extended time with God can help us learn to think with a “renewed mind”. Romans 12:2
b. Presenting out requests to God gives us opportunity to be guarded by his peace. Philippians 4:6-7
c. Seeking guidance for ourselves, for our Church and for our city. Psalm 139:23-24
d. Taking time to ask God to supply our needs. Hebrews 4:16
e. Praying for others. Philippians 2:4
f. Revival in the Church. Psalm 85:6
g. Revival in our lives. Isaiah 57:5
h. Power against temptation. Matthew 26:41
i. Extended time of thanksgiving. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
j. Praying for justice in our world. Psalm 82:3, Isaiah 1:17
In everything we do at Bloor Central God is our source. In our community service, our Christian witness, our worship etc. we depend on him. Allowing prayer to take a central place in what we do acknowledges our need of God.
#2. How to make the most of the week.
The first thing that needs to happen if you are to make the most of the week is to set some time aside to join in. You can sign up at the Church (poster is on the stair way) or on our website ( ) . Perhaps you’ve never prayed for an extended time before - well we’ve gathered a lot of resources that can be helpful in you filling up an hour - or much more.
First of all Greg has put together 9 “prayer bins” which give us lots of tools for prayer. They include (1) Prayers for victims of Human Trafficking (2) Praying with Art (3) Pray for the world. (4) Pray for the city. (5) Pray for the Church. (6) Creation (7) Knowing God (8) Praying for yourself (9) Praying for others.
There are also other stations in the prayer room that can help us focus our minds to prayer including the prayer labyrinth and the thanksgiving tree.
There are many tools available to assist you in making your hour meaningful; however, the best way to make the most of the hour is to prepare for it. There are many ways you can get ready for time in the prayer room.
a. Make a list of people, or issues you’ve wanted to be praying about.
b. Make a list of special bible passages you’ve noticed lately. Bring them along and use them to fuel prayer.
c. Bring bible lesson notes from SUNDAY WORD and review those prayerfully.
d. Pay attention to things in your life that you recognize need prayer.
e. Watch the news to see if there are issues in our world, country, or city that need prayer.
f. One way to prepare might be to ask someone to come and pray with you. Perhaps you can bring a friend for family member to pray over a certain issue?
g. Perhaps the best way to prepare for the 24/7 Prayer Campaign is to pray. Pray this week that God will prepare our hearts for our extended time with him.