Link #178 - Pentecost!
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
So this Sunday Churches around the world celebrate an event that is recorded in Acts 2. It is a real big deal. Like Christmas is a big deal, and Easter is a big deal. Pentecost is that kind of a big deal. We hope you can join us on Sunday at 10am for SUNDAY WORD. Some people consider this day as the birthday of the Church (the world wide Church). Karen will be sharing and she shares some really good news.
Two announcements we want you to keep in mind.
Sunday May 26 we have invited all the volunteers at Bloor Central to join us for our SUNDAY WORD service. After the service we will be having a BBQ in the parking lot. Make sure to plan to hang around after the service for some fellowship so we can celebrate our wonderful volunteers.
We have again booked a Saturday this summer to go a picnic to Jacksons Point. Please mark in your calendars July 20! It is also important to note that our expenses have been rising significantly and so we have to charge $10 for the lunch, and $20 if you need a seat on the bus. Hope you can plan to join us.
See you this weekend at Bloor Central