Link #172 - Goodness and Mercy

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

As we have been moving through Psalm 23 it has been amazing to consider what God offers us. This week Karen will be focusing on verse 6 that says “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me…”. When you can understand something of what that means life can become a very exciting adventure. We hope you can join us 10am on this Sunday as we seek God together at Bloor Central (789 Dovercourt Rd.).

Just a note that two weeks this Sunday (April 28) we will be taking up our Mission Offering. We’ve not taken up an offering like this at Bloor Central since covid. This is our opportunity to join with Salvation Army Churches in other countries that don’t have the resources we enjoy. This years offering is supporting The Salvation Army in Guinea (West Africa). Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in this important offering and come prepared.

God bless you.


Link #173 - NO MORE F.O.M.O.


Link #171 - STONES