Link #170 - Good Friday Prep

Greetings in the name of Jesus.

This is a season when Christians around the world move towards Easter morning. This is not a journey to a physical place, but a spiritual journey. Like any journey there are ways to prepare for it. This Good Friday Reflection Service is not a gathering where people sit and watch other people participate. Our gathering this year will require everyone participating. Each one of us have work to be done in preparing for the wonder of Easter morning, to actually participate in the event. That is what we will do on Good Friday - it is a time for each of us to prepare our hearts to move away the stone.

I have to include a note about being “time sensitive”. Normally we don’t like making a big deal about being a few minutes late. However, our reflection exercises on Good Friday will make it difficult to participate fully if you come in late. We want to encourage you to make every effort to be in the seats by 10.

Hope you can join us Friday at 10am.

Please know this - the stone is going to move.


Link #171 - STONES


Link #169 - Maud Thursday