Link #153 - Rod + Staff = COMFORT
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
We are getting ready for another weekend at Bloor Central and we’d love to have you come along. It all starts tomorrow (Saturday) night with our Community Dinner. Each week we invite our community to come and share a meal with us. It is a wonderful time to connect with our neighborhood and so feel free to come and join us.
Sunday we meet at 10am for SUNDAY WORD. This is an important part of our week as we gather to seek God together by looking into the scripture. We have been going through Psalm 23 together and this week we consider “your rod and your staff” and understand how they lead us to comfort.
There are two other announcements we’d want to make sure you know about.
This Thursday, March 14 is going to be the last night of season 1 of The Chosen. A small group of us have enjoyed watching each of these episodes as we are introduced to the life and times of Jesus. Even if you have not had a chance to join us up till now we’d like to encourage you to come to this final chapter of season 1. Each week we’ve been introduced to new ideas on how Jesus related to people he did life with. This Thursday we start at 7pm in the chapel.
Bloor Central is working towards a special time of offering on April 28. This will be an offering that will be used to support the ministry of The Salvation Army in Guinea, West Africa. The Salvation Army in Canada is seeking to raise $2.4 in offerings across the country. We’d like to invite you to prayerfully consider how you can prepare to participate in 7 weeks time.