Link #126 - Facing ourselves as honestly as we can.
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
As we enter this Thanksgiving weekend I’m so very grateful for the Bloor Central family. This weekend we will again be spending time together on Saturday at our Community Meal. It is a great time to connect with old friends and meet some new ones. We gather between 4-6pm.
On Sunday we continue our journey through the 12 Steps this week focusing on Step 4 : We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. If we are serious about growing spiritually there is no avoiding this essential process. We can see that the Bible speaks very clearly about it and we hope you can join us on Sunday at 10am.
We should also remind you that if you miss a Sunday we are posting the Bible lessons on our youtube channel. The introduction and Steps 1-3 are already posted, and Step 4 will be up sometime on Sunday.
Blessings to all.