Link #121 - Welcome Back!

Greetings in the name of Jesus. We hope you have enjoyed your summer and look forward to getting back into the “Bloor Central rhythm” .

Our Community Meal (7 ate 9) gets back into swing this Saturday evening 4-6pm. This is a meal open to everyone and at Bloor Central it gives us a great opportunity to connect with our neighborhood. Please get the word out that we are back and look forward to seeing our friends again this Saturday from 4-6pm.

This Sunday at “SUNDAY WORD” we will again be seeking God together as we consider the “12 STEPS”. Many people will be familiar with the 12 STEP program through recovery groups like AA, NA or CA, but this is far more then just a “recovery program”. Although it is not specifically a Christian program it provides a pattern for spiritual growth that can guide us in inviting God into our lives more deeply. This is not simply a program for those suffering from addiction, but in fact an opportunity for all of us who desire to grow in our understanding of how God desires to work in our lives. We hope you can join us this week for this important introduction.

We look forward to seeing you this weekend at Bloor Central.



Link #122 - Jesus in the City


Link #120 - A SURPRISE