Link #12
Greetings in the name of Jesus and welcome to the Bloor Central Link, offering you the latest news on what is happening in the Bloor Central world. There is lots going on so please take note…
1. This Sunday we will continue to Sunday Word at 10am. This is a time for us to gather for Bible teaching and prayer. This week we will be looking at some “SHAPSHOTS OF GOD”. Do you know what God looks like? We will be showing you on Sunday morning! Please remember we follow all the covid protocols on Sundays but there still may be some people who cannot join us. For those unable to attend we do post the Bible teaching on our website and facebook.
2. This Wednesday, October 27 we will be resuming our “Walk thru Mark”. This is done online through “Zoom”. We simply read scripture together and discuss it. It has been a great time of encouragement and growth. Please feel free to join us at 7pm.
3. Sign up is now available for the next “Living in Christ” course. This is a four class discipleship course which we encourage everyone from Bloor Central to take. Not only do we want everyone to take the course, we hope that everyone at Bloor Central will be prepared to share the course. Details are not finalized. The time, and format will be determined when we have a list of names. It might be in person or virtual but at this time we simply trying to identify who is available to join. If you are interested please email Doug Hammond at to sign up.
4. We would like to announce a new initiative for Bloor Central. At this time we are preparing the top floor room (formerly used for Day Care) to serve as a 24/7 prayer room for the city. Other Churches and organizations are partnering with Bloor Central to provide a place dedicated to prayer in our city. Over the next two months we look forward to sharing with you progress as we move towards 2022.
We have a couple specific prayer issues to take note of.
5. Please be praying for Gord and the whole Caruk family. Last week Gords mother passed away in British Columbia. For those of you who have been around Bloor Central for a while you might remembers the visits Gords parents used to have with us at Bloor Central. She was a great encouragement to us and would wish a special blessing for Gord and the family as they deal with this time of loss.
6. As the Link goes out Darlene is still in hospital and continues to go through tests as doctors are trying to sort out her health issues. Along with praying for her health we can give thanks that Paul and Darlene have finally been able to set a date for their wedding (November 7).
Blessings to all, hope to see you Sunday!