Link #117 - Church is BORING?
Greetings in the name of Jesus.
Entering the weekend means Bloor Central is getting pumped up for action. We are expecting some extra visitors this Saturday for our Community Meal (7ate9) as we’ve made some new friends with recent refugees from East Africa. Everyone is welcome to join us Saturday evening from 4-6 pm for a meal. The food is great, the fellowship is better so feel free to invite a friend along.
On Sunday we confront one of the greatest lies of our time. One of the top reasons given for not attending Church is that it is “BORING”. Now this is a label that at times the Church deserves; however, when we can understand what Church is truly about it becomes obvious that it is a lie. Scripture makes clear that if we can understand the invitation we have to be part of the Kingdom of God the Church is anything but boring. Exciting, challenging, joyful, fulfilling, powerful, even dangerous - yes. But never boring.
Join us as we consider the exciting life Jesus invites us to join in. We gather Sunday morning at 10am to seek God together.
Blessings to all.